

Biralee when she first came into care

Biralee was a case of mistaken identity.  She came in as a 640g joey.
Her mum was found by a farmer in one of his paddocks, Biralee was in her mums pouch still so the farmer bundled her up and she was handed over to a wildlife carer nearby.  Birralee had very little fur when she came in and at this size it can sometimes be a bit hard to to tell the difference between an Eastern Grey and a Western Grey and the farmer was certain the mother was an Eastern Grey and description it sounded like she was.

As I already had an Eastern Grey joey in care (Banrock)  this little girl was going to come to me as a friend for Him.
When Birralee first came into care she was so very dehydrated and weak that every time the carer went to feed her she expected her to have passed away.  Due to the carer's dedication, round the clock excellent care, Birralee not only survived but started to thrive.  Within a few days the she looked like a completely different joey to when she first came into care.

Three days later she was bought down on a four hour trip to be dropped off to me. Both myself and another carer thought she looked a bit more like a Western Grey than an Eastern, but as it can be hard to tell especially if they are furless or just furring, and the farmer had been positive that the mother was a Eastern Grey so it was a case of wait and see what she turns into an Eastern or a Western. As she furred up and started putting on weight it became more obvious that she was in fact a Western Grey and not an Eastern Grey. Even though every attempt is made to pair up alike species, it's not always possible and it is far better they have a friend than no friend at all. Shortly after Biralee came into care I receive another kangaroo also with mistaken identity. Her name is Ruby and she came in as a euro, but as soon as we saw her we realised she was an Eastern Grey. So now I had an Eastern Grey boy, a Western Grey Girl that was supposed to be an Eastern Grey and an Eastern Grey girl that was supposed to be a Euro, CONFUSED YET?

Despite all the confusion, they are growing up as a little group of friends, Ruby & Birralee have become best friends and you rarely see them apart, with or without their brother hanging around.